Subscribe To Your Retirement Plans And Investments

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Subscribe To Your Retirement Plans And Investments

hand reaching out to screen with hexagons with a large blue filled hexagon saying 'subscription $ervice'


Subscription services are the latest way to attract new customers and build a strong customer base. You can play all you want for $10 per month. $20? You can watch every movie ever made. Why would you want to save money in any other way?You should also view retirement savings in the same light. Set up the subscription and then forget about it. You can then ensure that your retirement and investment are on track.

Understanding Your Subscriptions

This type of investing, as you’ve probably already guessed, is not new. Dollar cost averaging involves making regular investments to your account according to a set schedule. Dollar-cost averaging is one of the most effective ways to accumulate savings and reduce volatility. You’re already on track if you have a workplace retirement plan such as a 401k.

Dollar Cost Averaging smooths your purchase price and ensures that you don’t put all of your money into a high-priced stock. This method of investing is especially useful in a market downturn, as it allows you to purchase stocks at low prices when most investors are afraid to do so.

zoomed in image of white keyboard key with 'Benefits' on it 

Dollar cost averaging has three distinct benefits:

Don’t mistime the market Spoiler Alert: You can’t time markets. Don’t even bother to try.

Set it and Forget it – Take emotion out of investment

Think long-term – Consistently build wealth in retirement

blurred image of a man holding up a business card on the left and a thumbs up on the right with the words 'start now' in the foreground unblurred

Anything is better than Nothing

Dollar cost averaging helps investors avoid emotional decisions when the markets fluctuate. It also helps them stick to their plan, no matter what happens on the market.

Set up your payments in the same way as your subscriptions. You can choose to invest biweekly or monthly at a rate that suits you. You can automate your Spotify, Netflix subscription, food delivery, shaving kits and monthly flower subscriptions that you gave to your spouse on Valentine’s Day.

How much should I invest? Start early and invest anything.


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